Tuesday, October 19, 2010


In this week , we discuss about chapter 9 (Designing Databases) .In this chapter , we 
 learn how to 
  • Concisely define each of the following key database design terms: relation, primary key, functional dependency, foreign key, referential integrity, field, data type, null value, denormalization, file organization, index, and secondary key.
  • Explain the role of designing databases in the analysis and design of an information system.
  • Transform an entity-relationship (E-R) diagram into an equivalent set of well-structured (normalized) relations.
  • Merge normalized relations from separate user views into a consolidated set of well-structured relations.
  • Choose storage formats for fields in database tables.
  • Translate well-structured relations into efficient database tables.
  • Explain when to use different types of file organizations to store computer files.
  • Describe the purpose of indexes and the important considerations in selecting attributes to be indexed.


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